Huurauto Maggiore - de belangrijke punten

LET OP!! Aan de balie moet u de Pincode van de credit card ingeven. Zorg dus u dat deze paraat hebt. Geen pincode = geen huurauto!
LET OP!!  Alvorens u het huurcontract aan de balie digitaal ondertekent; double-check dat het bedrag op € 0,00 staat
Staat hier wél een bedrag dan betekent het dat u een optionele (niet-essentiële) service aan het afsluiten bent. Check dus goed wat u ondertekent en neem bij twijfel - vóór dat u tekent - contact op met ons! 

Wat is inclusief in mijn tarief?
Altijd inbegrepen zijn:
- Ongelimiteerd aantal km
- 2e bestuurder
- Totale afkoop eigen risico (schade & diefstal)
- Eventuele one-way fee
- Windscreen protection
- Airport fee, Railway fee, Road tax
- (Standard) Roadside assistance cover
- BTW.

Wat is niet inclusief in mijn tarief?
- Niet essentiele extra (optionele) verzekeringen/services aan de balie (zie ook hieronder) zoals Afkoop Volle Tank optie, Uitgebreide sleepservice, (Super) Personal Accident Insurance
- Administratiekosten voor facturen i.v.m. extra's die niet bij de prijs zijn inbegrepen, indien lokaal gekocht (bijv. refuelling service);
- Administratiekosten in geval van boetes en schade
- Alles wat niet specifiek hierboven vermeld ("inclusief in tarief")

Is alle schade gedekt?
U bent volledig gedekt in geval van schade of diefstal van de auto (het eigen risico = € 0,00).
Wel is er een uitzondering: Schade aan de binnenkant van het voertuig is niet gedekt.
Ons advies: check bij het ophalen van de auto extra goed of er geen schade is aan de wielen/velgen/banden, ruiten en de binnenkant!
De volgende schade worden nooit gedekt: opzettelijk veroorzaakte schade of schade als gevolg van nalatigheid/inschattingsfouten (bijv. m.b.t hoogte/breedte van het voertuig). Schade aan de koppeling (verkeerd gebruik, verbrand), schade door te hoge toerentallen van de motor, schade veroorzaakt door ander incorrect gebruik van het voertuig.

Waarom biedt Maggiore Rentals bij het ophalen van de huurauto extra verzekeringen/services?

  • Maggiore Rentals biedt u ter plekke, bij het ophalen, de mogelijkheid om een extra verzekering af te sluiten, bijvoorbeeld SSC - Uitgebreide sleepservice of PAI (zie hieronder voor meer info). Deze verzekering is echter nooit verplicht.
  • Maggiore Rentals biedt u ter plekke, bij het ophalen, de mogelijkheid om een extra service af te sluiten (bijv. een kinderstoeltje, een GPS-systeem, of een ‘hourly extension charge’). Deze vallen onder accessoires en extra opties, en zijn uiteraard te allen tijde optioneel.

Welke extra verzekeringen en services kunnen ter plekke aangeboden worden?
De extra verzekeringen/services die meestal aan de balie worden aangeboden:

  • Afkoop Volle Tank optie (Fuel Up Front / Pieno Anticipato): bij het ophalen van de auto wordt een vast bedrag overeengekomen voor een volle tank brandstof. De auto kan zonder volle tank worden ingeleverd en er worden geen aftankkosten berekend.
    N.b.: Wij raden aan om niet in te gaan op deze extra optie, en te kiezen voor het zelf aftanken bij het inleveren van de auto. De Afkoop Volle Tank optie heeft vanuit ons oogpunt namelijk weinig toegevoegde waarde (je betaalt gegarandeerd voor een volle tank terwijl je de auto nooit met een lege tank inlevert; je maakt dus nooit gebruik van deze volledige tank).
    Kiest u toch voor deze optie dan is dat uiteraard aan u; levert u de auto in dit geval wel in met een zo leeg mogelijke tank.
  • SSC - Uitgebreide sleepservice (ter plekke bekend als ‘Servizio Assistenza Stradale’ of ‘Extended Roadside Assistance’): deze verzekering dekt de eventuele sleepkosten ten gevolge van nalatigheid (bijv. als u de sleutel verliest, als u de verkeerde brandstof hebt getankt, als u met een lege tank komt te staan, als u een lege accu hebt, als u een lekke band hebt). Deze verzekering dekt alleen de sleepkosten en niet de kosten die voortvloeien uit de nalatigheid. De prijs van deze verzekering bedraagt ca. € 5,50 per dag (inclusief alle lokale belastingen). Als u gesleept moet worden na een aanrijding/motorpech (dus zonder nalatigheid), zijn de sleepkosten sowieso wel altijd gedekt. Voor wat betreft de uitgebreide sleepservice; u bent uiteraard vrij om deze optionele extra service af te sluiten. Belangrijk om te weten is dat deze extra service alleen betrekking heeft op sleepkosten ten gevolge van nalatigheid.
  • (SUPER) PAI/PTI - (SUPER) Personal Accident Insurance / Personal Travel Insurance: vergelijkbaar met een reisverzekering, heeft niets te maken met de auto zelf.
    N.b.: Wij raden aan om niet in te gaan op deze extra optie als u een eigen reisverzekering hebt: vergelijkebaar aan een inzittende verzekering, is bijna altijd inclusief in uw eigen reisverzekering.

Let op: het afsluiten van de bovenstaande verzekeringen is optioneel en nooit verplicht.

Moet de hoofdbestuurder in het bezit zijn van een creditcard?

Ja, altijd. Het is nooit toegestaan de auto te huren zonder een geldige creditcard met pincode. Een contante borg is nooit mogelijk.

Kan ik een type auto kiezen in een bepaalde categorie ?

Nee. De categorie is gegarandeerd, het type auto niet. Afhankelijk van de beschikbaarheid ter plekke, kunnen ze aan de balie één van de types geven die tot een bepaalde categorie behoren.
Ze mogen nooit een lagere categorie aanbieden, wel een (gratis) upgrade naar een hogere categorie.
Tip: heeft u een voorkeur voor een bepaald type auto? Vraag aan de balie of het type aanwezig is! Vooral in het laag- en middenseizoen is er soms een keuze.


Here below are the prices of services, ancillaries and supplements that may be booked for the Client but are always on a request basis and subject to availability.

▪ Minimum due per rental.
▪ The amount of the higher deductible + accessories and/or additional supplements

▪ Personal Accident Insurance (PAI): € 10,05 per day
▪ Personal Travel Insurance (PTI): € 12,55 per day
▪ Super Personal Travel Insurance (PAI + PTI combined together): € 15,05 per day
▪ Vehicle’s glasses coverage (KCR): included in Enotria’s rate.

Special equipments are on request and subject to availability at the rental desk, they won’t be confirmed upon reservation:
▪ Baby seat €. 25,05 per day for a maximum of 75,15 euro per rental
▪ Booster: €. 6,05 per day for a maximum of 30,25 euro per rental
▪ Snow chains: €. 8,10 per day with a maximum charge of Euro 40,50 per rental (standard and special both same cost)
▪ Ski rack: €. 38,60 per rental
▪ Sunshades: €. 5,25 per rental ( available in selected locations )
▪ Light pushchair: 41,70 per rental ( available in selected locations )
▪ GPS navigator basic & evolution: €. 15,1 5 per day up to a maximum charge of € 151,25 per rental.
▪ Portable DVD player: €. 5,25 per day up to a maximum of €. 104,50 per rental. Available in selected location.
▪ Hands – free kit: €. 3,05 per day up to a maximum of € 15,25for rental. Available in selected location
▪ Hourly extension charge: €. 18,85 per rental- grants 1 hour and 59 minutes tolerance
▪ Young driver ( age 19-24 ) : 18,85 per day (max 15 days per month)
Additional drivers: Any additional driver is charged € 6,95 per day with a maximum charge of 20 days per month.
2nd driver is included in Enotria’s rate
Domestic one-way drop – off fee: included in Enotria’s rate
€. 57,35 per rental from/to different City agencies
€. 12,25 per rental from/to different locations in the same city (intracity)
€. 88,60 per rental from/to Sicily
from/to Sardinia is not allowed. Refer to penalties section.
▪ Delivery & collection:
€. 18,85 per rental within the city limits of the rental location
€. 1,05 per km with a minimum charge of €. 18,85 per rental beyond the city limits of the rental location.
€. 32,35 within the city limits of the rental location and out of hours.
€. 2,17 per km with a minimum charge of €. 32,35 outside the city limits of rental locations and out of hours For delivery and/or collection in Sardinia, please ask for our surcharges at time of booking.

▪ Out of hours:
for pick up and drop off out of the location opening hours an extra charge of €. 61,00 per rental will be applied. This service is on request.|
• For delivery and collection in Sardinia, please ask at booking time the surcharges.
▪ Parking Service Venice Piazzale Roma (SPS) €. 30,00 per rental: mandatory only when vehicle is dropped at Venice Piazzale Roma Location. (VER)
▪ One Day entrance ticket Low Emission zone of Milan ( Restricted area ): €. 5.05 per day ( to be requested exclusively at pick up time and not at booking time )
▪ Extra Towing Assistance (SSC): €. 4,30 per day up to a maximum charge of 15 days. This supplement can be required at the pick up time and it is valid in case of: freezed fuel, refuelling with wrong fuel, run out of fuel, battery down, pneumatic drill, keys lost, keys left in the vehicle once doors are closed.
▪   Last minute Extra Towing Assistance (SCA): €. 207,40 – if one of the above mentioned cases occurs and SSC has not been purchased, an Extra Towing Assistance can be requested.

▪ Items not returned or damaged:
o Standard Snow chains: €. 80,00
o Special Snow chains Euro 200,00
o reflective jacket: €. 18,00
o portable GPS navigator: €. 250,00
o portable DVD navigator: €. 250,00
o Portable GPS navigators or portable DVD player components damaged (e.g. window attachment or battery charger) Euro 100,00
o Portable GPS navigators and portable DVD player components damaged (e.g. window attachment or battery charger) Euro 250+Euro 100,00
o Hands – free kit: €. 100
o ski rack: €. 150,00
o baby seat/ pushchair/booster: €. 103
o vehicle key: €. 250,00 + local daily rate for the whole period until the key is returned or a key loss/theft report is handled to Maggiore.
o Steering wheel lock: €. 50,00

▪ One-way from/to Sardinia: €. 516,80 minimum.
▪ J/M/Z/I/V one-way towards non authorized locations (see free sell policy): €. 352,00 besides the one-way fee.
▪ Extra cleaning required: €. 150,00
▪ Non-estimated one way ( return of a vehicle in a different location from the authorised one at pick up time ) : €. 15,00 per rental
▪ Damage processing fee (DPF): €. 79,30 administration handling fee that applies in case of accident when the vehicle is returned damaged and there is a clear customer’s responsibility or there is no counterpart. It is not applied if optional coverage SuperKasko (SKO) has been bought or included in the rate.
▪ Administration fee (GRV): €. 42,70 administrative fee to manage a dossier in case of accident, fine notification, tolls payment and/or fees and charges of any kind due to vehicle parking during the rental period.
▪ Missing accident report delivery: €. 500,00.
▪ Non authorized international one-way: any expenses arisen.
▪ Refuelling charge for missing fuel: € 18,85 plus the amount of the missing litres as per average prices recorded, increased of 30% due to variable costs for supply
▪ Returning GPS, GPS – Digital TV, Portable DVD player or Hands – free kit to a rental location different from pick up one: €. 20,00 if return to a different location within the same city, €. 40,00 in return to a different location in a different city.
▪ Pushchair returned in a location different from the pick up one: €. 155,05.


On any extra item not included in the rates when rental starts in an airport or railway location, on top of it, the following fees are always applied:
 included in Enotria’s rate - Airport fee (16%): for rentals taking place at any airport locations
included in Enotria’s rate - Railway fee (12%): for rentals taking place at any railway locations
▪ Administrative cost of invoice (CAF): €. 2,00 per rental for administrative and postage expenses for each invoice sent to clients whenever they purchase any extra not included in the rate or due ( i.e. fuel, refuelling service etc )
 included in Enotria’s rate - Road tax (OAM): 2,45 per day for a maximum charge of 18 days.
All the above mentioned prices are 22% VAT inclusive, while airport fee (16%) and railway fee (12%) will be applied on top of them.
This document is a summary of the valid Maggiore Terms and Conditions that the driver will undersign at the pickup time.


▪ A valid licence issued at least 12 months before is needed.
▪ Driving licence must be provided with the driver’s picture, written in Latin letters and non-damaged, otherwise they must be accompanied by an International driving licence.
▪ Military driving licences are not accepted.
▪ International driving licences are required for licences not written in Latin letters. International driving licences are only valid outside the country of origin and when presented along with the original driving licence. International driving licence cannot be replaced by any other translated documents.
▪ Driving licences must be always accompanied by an Identity card for the EU citizens and by a Passport for the non-eu citizens.

▪    In addition to the customer who signs the contract, additional driver can be authorised by paying an "Other Authorized Drivers Surcharge" for the duration of the rental. Any additional driver must be present upon pick up of the vehicle and have same requirements of the lead driver. Customer is obliged to communicate to the car hiring location at rental start any other person that might drive the vehicle; therefore he will be held responsible in any case. If driver is less than 25 years old a young driver fee will be charged in addition.

Required age to rent with Maggiore is 25 years old. If the renter is younger than 25 years old the following policy will apply:
▪ Drivers between 19 and 20 years old can only rent car groups ECMR (B) NBMR ( A) upon payment of a young driver supplement.
▪ Drivers between 21 and 25 years old are allowed to drive only the following car groups: ECMR (B), NBMR ( A), EDMR (C), CDMR (D), CWMR (E), IMMR (O), IDMR (F), IXMR (X), IWMR (K), IDMR (F) upon payment of a young driver supplement.
▪ For all the remaining car groups, clients have to be 25.

Maggiore accepts all major credit cards except for the electron, debit and prepaid ones.
▪ Customer is subject to a guarantee deposit that is equal to the deductibles amounts + any additional service cost (including fuel and refuelling) and net cost of rental due on arrival.
▪ For particular groups of vehicles and/or in particular areas, the Rental Location Agency may require two credit cards.

▪ Vehicles are rented with a full tank and should be returned with the same, otherwise besides the missing fuel an extra charge will be applied as a “Refuelling charge”; the amount of missing litres will be calculated as per average prices recorded, increased of 30%, due to variable costs for supply.
▪ Customer is required to fill the tank in with same type of fuel of the car. In case of misuse or filling with a wrong type of fuel, client will be charged for the damages caused by wrong tank filling.

▪ Customer is allowed to drive the countries listed on the rental agreement. Currently those countries are: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Luxemburg, Norway, Netherlands, Slovenia, Croatia, Portugal, Great Britain, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland. If the client drives the rented car into a no-authorised country, any insurance coverage is no more valid and customer will be responsible for any expenses that may occur.
▪ Customer is responsible for the correct use and for any ordinary maintenance of the vehicle.
▪ Any maintenance on the vehicle must be previously authorized by a Maggiore representative and the expenses receipt has to be headed to:

Maggiore Rent Spa
via di Tor Cervara 225 – 00155 ROMA
P.I. 06771581003
otherwise no refund will be granted.

▪ At the rental starting, customer will be asked where and when vehicle will be dropped off. If he wishes to extend the rental beyond the agreed terms or wishes to drop off the vehicle in a different city he must notify in advance to Maggiore before pick-up date otherwise a penalty of Euro 15 for non-estimated one way will be charged.
▪ Due to not availability of the booked car group, Maggiore location can deliver a higher car group to Client who is requested to change it with the booked car group within 14 days: Client has the faculty to upgrade the booked car group at time of rental, but he’s requested to pay for the difference between the booked car and the upgraded car with personal credit card at local rates and conditions valid at time of rental (UPS).
▪ Rental days are based on a 24 hours period starting at the time the vehicle is collected. Late returns, over 24 hours, will be subject to an additional day charge with a grace period of 29 minutes. It is possible to previously purchase a rental extension of 1 hour and 59 minutes, exclusively, at the beginning of the rental. The cost of this additional service will not be refunded in case the car is returned within the expected booking drop off time.
▪ Vehicle must be returned during the location opening hours. In case client is authorized to drop the car off out of location opening hours, rental charge will be based on the office reopening hours.
▪ The vehicle should be returned, except for the fair wear and tear, in the same conditions and with the same optional as at rental start.
▪ At time of vehicle return the client is required to verify with location representative the status of the vehicle. If there are differences, from what reported on the Rental Agreement, client is due to subscribe a report stating any damage. In case client fails to check the vehicle status along with Maggiore representative, he authorises Maggiore to charge any damage reported on the car. In any case, the client has to fill in the part that is on the bottom of the R.A. where he has to specify if he had or not any accident.

▪ The domestic one-way service allows the Client to return the vehicle in a different city than the one where the rental began or in different locations of the same city (intracity one-way).
The service must be authorized in advance by the Lessor at its complete discretion. Vehicle can be dropped off only in the authorised location at booking time. In case the vehicle will be dropped off in a location different from the pick up one without informing Maggiore at booking time an extra fee will be applied (Euro 15,00).
▪ Drop off from/to Sardinia is not allowed.
▪ One–way rentals to / from certain areas for particular car groups are not allowed (refer to Fleet and free sell procedures)
▪ One-way towards foreign countries is not allowed.

▪ By request at booking time and upon Maggiore’s authorization, a vehicle can be picked up/returned from/to a location other than a Maggiore depot by paying a “Delivery & Collection Surcharge". Out of hours collections and deliveries are not allowed.
▪ For pick up and drop off in a Maggiore depot, out of the location opening hours, an extra charge will be applied.
This service is on request as well and upon Maggiore’s authorization.
In case of flight delay, the employee will wait for the client up to one hour from the landing, but not beyond 02.00 o’clock of the following morning.

▪ RCA (Third party liability): Mandatory and included.
▪ All vehicles are insured for civil liability in compliance with the law. RCA policy guarantees insurance coverage for civil liability against civil liability for causing death or bodily injury to third parties, including passengers, or damage to animals and property up to a maximum of €. 15.000.000.
▪ In case of accident customer must report the happening by filling in the CAI form ( amicable accident report ), which is available on board of the vehicle, with the counterpart and accident details the and hand it ( or faxed) to the nearest Maggiore renting location within and not beyond 24hours. If not, any limitation or exclusion of responsibility signed by the customer becomes ineffective (CDW, SKO). The customer is liable for any damages caused for non-notification of the event or for the late notification.

▪ Collision Damage Waiver (CDW): Mandatory and included. Reduces the client’s financial responsibility to a maximum amount, called damage deductible.
▪ Super Kasko Waiver (SKO): Optional and not included. Included in Enotria’s rate

SKO totally eliminates client’s financial responsibility. The responsibility cannot be totally eliminated at all for rentals taking place in the following 4 Italian regions: Campania, Puglia, Basilicata and Molise. In this case, it is reduced to a maximum amount (see Deductibles sheet).
▪ Vehicle’s glasses coverage (KCR): this extra coverage eliminates the deductible in case of damage to the windows of the vehicle. This cover is sold exclusively at time of car pick-up and once signed along with the rental agreement, it cannot be deleted. Included in Enotria’s rate.
▪ Any limitation or exclusion of responsibility (CDW,SKO) shall have no validity in case of damages caused voluntarily or due to negligence, damage to vehicle inner, damage or theft of tires, wheels ( punctures, slashes etc ) and wheels cover as well as for damages caused by miscalculating the height of the vehicles or of objects sticking out from the vehicle, for damages caused to clutch (misuse, burnt), for damages caused to windows, for damages caused for engine over-revving and any damages caused by misuse or not observing the rules in Driving the Vehicle and Conditions for use.

▪ Theft protection (TP): Mandatory and included. Reduces the client’s financial responsibility to a maximum amount, called theft deductible.
▪ Super Theft Protection (STP): Optional and not included. Included in Enotria’s rate STP totally eliminates client’s financial responsibility. Any limitation or reduction of responsibility (TP, STP) decay in case of total theft when keys are not returned or in case of theft or damage to tires.
▪ In case of a stolen car being found at a later date, damage will be calculated as the “Standard” daily rental rate until the vehicle is found and delivered, within deduction limits, except in the case of damages deductibles liability limits. Client responsibilities include repair costs, loss of value to the vehicle, towing fees, deposits and administrative costs.
▪ In case of total theft or fire of the rented vehicle, Client will be charged for the same quantity of fuel as indicated on the rental agreement at pick up time.

▪ STK: Optional and not included. That is a special package that combines together SKO & STP and totally eliminates client’s financial responsibility both for damage and theft. For STK, the same application rules valid for SKO and STP are applied. Included in Enotria’s rate

PAI (Personal Accident Insurance): Included in Enotria’s rate. Drivers over 75 years old cannot be insured. 

Insurance policy covering, within the specified limits, against the risk of an injury sustained by the driver:
-Death or permanent inability: Euro 51.646,00. An excess in applied, corresponding to 3 percentage points of the ascertained degree of permanent disability, where the disability resulting from the injury exceeds 3% of total disability.
If the disability resulting from the injury is less than 3% of total disability, the insured party shall not be accorded any damages.
-Medical expenses: Euro 5.165,00. Refund of medical expenses shall be paid out with the application of the fixed deductible, for expenses sustained due to collection following accident.
There shall be a 30% reduction in the foreseen sum for the refund of expenses related to physical therapy, medicines, spa/thermal treatment and the purchase or rental of prosthetic and therapeutic equipment. Fixed excess Euro 1.032,90 for each injury.
• Daily hospital: Euro 50,00 excess for 5 days, max indemnification 15 days.
PTI (Personal Travel Insurance): Drivers over 75 years old cannot be insured.
The PTI guarantee provides accident cover for the DRIVER , within the following limits:
• Death or permanent disability: Euro 100.000,00. This includes an excess equal to 3 percentage points of the ascertained degree of permanent disability if, as a result of the accident, the disability is greater than 3% of total disability. If the disability is 3% of total disability or less, no indemnity will be paid to the insured party.
• Accident Medical Insurance: Euro 5.165,00. This guarantee is valid up to the limit specified, for expenses incurred following medical recovery due to a road accident. Reimbursement of medical expenses for physical therapy, medicines, crenotherapy, and the purchase or hire of prosthetic and therapeutic apparatus, is recognised up to a limit of 30% of the insured sum specified above.
Fixed excess Euro 1.032,90 for each accident.
• Daily hospital: Euro 75,00/day excess, 5 days - maximum indemnity 15 days.

Applications can be addressed to:
Maggiore Rent S.p.a. - Ufficio Sinistri
Via di Tor Cervara, 225 - 00155 Roma
Phone 06 22935616 - Fax 06 22935833

PTI cover also includes the following guarantees:
A) Personal assistance - contact Maggiore Rent Customer Service
An important range of services, after a road accident occurs during the rental period:
• Medical advice following an accident or sudden illness.
• Patient transfer if the incident occurs during the journey at a distance of more than 50 Kms from the Insured Party’s place of residence, and the conditions of the Insured Party are such that the doctors of the operations centre, by agreement with the doctors at the site of the incident, advise that the Insured Party should be transferred to a medical facility close to their place of residence, the operations centre will determine the method of transfer and will:
1) organise transfer of the patient to their place of residence or to a suitably equipped hospital in their region of residence, on condition that both are in Italy, by the most appropriate means: air ambulance, by stretcher on a scheduled flight, train/sleeping car, ambulance.
2) if necessary, provide medical/nursing staff assistance to the patient during the return journey.
All patient transport and organisation costs, including honorariums for medical/nursing staff transported to the place of departure and accompanying the patient on the return journey, will be borne by the Company up to a maximum of Euro 5.000,00.
• Transfer of other Insured Parties
Following the provision of a Patient Transfer service, the Company will also organise the return journey for the other Insured Parties by providing railway tickets (First Class) or air tickets (Standard Class) up to a maximum cost of Euro 1.000,00.
• Family member journey
If during a journey in the rented vehicle a road accident occurs at a distance of more than 50 Kms from the Insured Party’s place of residence, requiring treatment of same for more than 10 days in a hospital close to the site of the incident, and the presence of a family member is requested, the Operational Structure will make available to the family member one return rail ticket (First Class) or flight ticket (Standard Class) up to a maximum cost of Euro 350,00. The family member’s accommodation expenses are not included.
• Transport of the deceased
The Operations Centre will organise transport to Italy of the deceased; if identification by a family member is necessary, the Insurer will make available one return ticket (exclusive of accommodation expenses). The total limit of liability made available for the deceased and family member is Euro 5.000,00 for each accident.
Accident notifications can be forwarded to:

Viale Sarca 336
20126 MILANO
Phone within Italy – Freephone 800.098.098
From outside Italy +

B) Baggage & Personal Effects cover
In case of theft with break-in or damage to baggage due to collision, the customer is entitled to reimbursement up to a maximum of Euro 500,00 (absolute first risk) with the following limits:
- Euro 250,00 for bag-snatching and robbery of money, valuables, and jewellery;
- Euro 500,00 for theft of electronic apparatus or total theft of the vehicle.
Exclusions: theft of baggage & personal effects left visible in an unlocked vehicle, or thefts from an unattended vehicle taking place between the hours of 22.00 and 06.00.
Accident notifications can be addressed to:

Maggiore Rent S.p.a. - Ufficio Sinistri
Via di Tor Cervara, 225 - 00155 Roma
Phone 06 22935616 - Fax 06 22935833

Super PTI (Super Personal Travel Insurance): Drivers over 75 years old cannot be insured
The Super PTI guarantee provides accident cover for the DR IVER , within the following limits:
• Death or permanent disability Euro 250.000,00.
This includes an excess equal to 5 percentage points of the ascertained degree of permanent disability if, as a result of the accident, the disability is greater than 5% of total disability.
If the disability is 5% of total disability or less, no indemnity will be paid to the insured party.
• Accident Medical Insurance Euro 5.165,00.
This guarantee is valid up to the limit specified, for expenses incurred following medical recovery due to a road accident. Reimbursement of medical expenses for physical therapy, medicines, crenotherapy, and the purchase or hire of prosthetic and therapeutic apparatus, is recognised up to a limit of 30% of the insured sum specified above. Fixed excess Euro 1.032,90 for each accident.
• Hospital cover: Euro 100,00/day, excess 5 days – maximum indemnity 15 days
Super PTI cover also includes the following guarantees:
A) Personal assistance contact Maggiore Rent Customer Service
An important range of services, after a road accident occurs during the rental period:
- Medical advice following an accident or sudden illness
- Patient transfer if the incident occurs during the journey at a distance of more than 50 Kms from the Insured Party’s place of
residence, and the conditions of the Insured Party are such that the doctors of the Operations Centre, by agreement with the doctors at the site of the incident, advise that the Insured Party should be transferred to a medical facility close to their place of residence, the Operations Centre will determine the method of transfer and will:
1) Organise transfer of the patient to their place of residence or to a suitably equipped hospital in their administrative region of residence, on condition that both are in Italy, by the most appropriate means: - air ambulance – by stretcher on a scheduled flight – train/sleeping car – ambulance
2) If necessary, provide medical/nursing staff assistance to the patient during the return journey. All patient transport and organisation costs, including honorariums for medical/nursing staff transported to the place of departure.

and accompanying the patient on the return journey, will be borne by the Company up to a maximum of Euro 5.000,00. • Transfer of other Insured Parties

Following the provision of a Patient Transfer service, the Company will also organise the return journey for the other Insured Parties by providing railway tickets (First Class) or air tickets (Standard Class) up to a maximum cost of Euro 1.000,00.

• Family member journey

If during a journey in the rented vehicle a road accident occurs at a distance of more than 50 km from the Insured Party’s place of residence, requiring treatment of same for more than 10 days in a hospital close to the site of the incident, and the presence of a family member is requested, the Operational Structure will make available to the family member one return rail ticket (First Class) or flight ticket (Standard Class) up to a maximum cost of Euro 350,00. The family member’s accommodation expenses are not included.

• Transport of the deceased

The Operations Centre will organise transport to Italy of the deceased; if identification by a family member is necessary, the Insurer will make available one return ticket (exclusive of accommodation expenses). The total limit of liability made available for the deceased and family member is euro 5.000,00 for each accident.
Accident notifications can be forwarded to:

Viale Sarca 336 - 20126 MILANO

within Italy – freephone 800.098.098
from outside Italy +

B) Baggage & Personal Effects cover
In case of theft with break-in or damage to baggage due to collision, the customer is entitled to reimbursement up to a maximum of Euro 500,00 (absolute first risk) with the following limits:
-    Euro 250,00 for bag-snatching and robbery of money, valuables, and jewellery;
-    Euro 500,00 for theft of electronic apparatus or total theft of the vehicle.
Exclusions: theft of baggage & personal effects left visible in an unlocked vehicle, or thefts from an unattended vehicle taking place between the hours of 22.00 and 06.00.
Accident notifications can be addressed to:

Maggiore Rent S.p.a. - Ufficio Sinistri
Via di Tor Cervara, 225 - 00155 Roma
Phone 06 22935616 - Fax 06 22935833


▪    Maggiore guarantees the validity of reservation up to one hour after the foreseen and booked pick up time. In case of delay, beyond one grace hour and within location closing hours, Maggiore will try to keep the category booked, but at same time has the right to accommodate the client with an alternative car category that of course will be charged at car category supplied ( and not booked ). This condition does not apply in case of flight delay.
▪    In case the car booked is not available and a higher category is provided the customer pays for the rate for the booked vehicle. In case a higher car is required by the customer Maggiore will charge the difference between the booked car and the rented car at a local rate.
▪    Maggiore guarantees the prepaid period accordingly to the reservation details confirmed. In case of any extension of rental, customer must communicate, at least 48 hours prior to rental end, the additional prepaid days to the proper office only( and forward the new amended prepaid voucher.

During the week ends and Bank Holidays when Maggiore reservation office is closed, the customer has to send the voucher copy to the pickup location by copying the reservation department as well. If not, Maggiore will charge the additional days on client’s personal credit card, according to Maggiore Standard Rate, and will not refund the client for the extra days.


▪    Free 24 hours a day emergency assistance service is available. In case of breakdown or accident, please call the following numbers:

800098098 from Italy    
+ 39 02 66165667 from abroad

In case of accident and breakdown client has the duty to take care of the vehicle until the car is towed away.
For 24 hours roadside assistance, call toll free 800 098 098 when in Italy. If outside of Italy or using a foreign mobile phone, call +39 02 661 65 667.
In case of an accident, the driver has to complete the CAI form, present in the vehicle, completing every section. In case of an accident with another road user/vehicle, it has to be completed and signed by both parties and any testimonies should be obtained. The original copy of the CAI and possibly other documentation must be delivered within 24 hours after the event, at any Maggiore agency.

In case Roadside Assistance is required and in order to receive help and/or refunds customer has to respect the following 4 steps:
---> CALL MAGGIORE ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE (toll free 800 098 098 when in Italy. If outside of Italy or using a foreign mobile phone, call +39 02 661 65 667)
---> TRUCK ARRIVAL & ACCIDENT REPORT (wait for the Truck and in case of an accident fill the CAI form)
---> AUTHORIZATION FOR AN ALTERNATIVE TRANSPORTATION TO THE NEAREST MAGGIORE LOCATION (After the tow truck arrival if the customer needs to continue their journey they must take authorization directly from the Maggiore Roadside Assistance Service that will provide them an authorization number, which is also required for expenses refund and is extremely important to keep it together with all the other documentation.)
---> EXPENSES REFUND (In order to obtain refund of expenses authorized by MAGGIORE ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE service, client has to collect all the original invoices made out in their name, together with all tickets/receipts and send them directly to:

Aciglobal S.P.A. - Ufficio Rimborsi
Via S. Cannizzaro 83A - 00156 Roma ITALY)
Full procedure’s details will be provided at time of check out by the relevant station.

▪    The road assistance does not include towing in case of freezed fuel, refuelling with wrong fuel, battery down, ran out of fuel, pneumatic drill, keys lost, keys left in the car after the doors closure. At the pick up time, clients can purchase a special supplement (see “Supplement” document) in order to be covered in the above mentioned cases. Such supplement cannot be deleted even if not used. In case the supplement is not purchased and one of the above mentioned cases occurs, the cost of the towing service is applied to the client at a fixed cost (see “Supplement” document).

• If customer needs to replace the rented vehicle due to a malfunction such service is offered by all the rental
• locations upon availability:
• the location will give the car that is available at that moment.
• Maggiore Rent S.p.A. may at its own discretion refuse to provide a replacement car in case of theft, fire, total destruction or irreparable damage to the rented car.
• In case of substitution of 7 & 9 seats Maggiore will try to provide client with the same car category. In case one of those car groups are not be available, clients will be accommodated offering 2 available cars.

This document is a summary of the valid Maggiore Terms and Conditions that the driver will undersign at the pickup time

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